Universal gate-set for trapped-ion qubits using a narrow linewidth diode laser


Nitzan Akerman, Navon, Nir , Kotler, Shlomi , Glickman, Yinnon , and Ozeri, Roee . 2015. “Universal Gate-Set For Trapped-Ion Qubits Using A Narrow Linewidth Diode Laser”. New Journal Of Physics, 17, 11, Pp. 113060. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/11/113060.


We report on the implementation of a high fidelity universal gate-set on optical qubits based on trapped 88Sr+ ions for the purpose of quantum information processing. All coherent operations were performed using a narrow linewidth diode laser. We employed a master-slave configuration for the laser, where an ultra low expansion glass Fabry–Perot cavity is used as a stable reference as well as a spectral filter. We characterized the laser spectrum using the ions with a modified Ramsey sequence which eliminated the affect of the magnetic field noise. We demonstrated high fidelity single qubit gates with individual addressing, based on inhomogeneous micromotion, on a two-ion chain as well as the Mølmer–Sørensen two-qubit entangling gate.