
L. Orr, Khan, Saeed A, Buchholz, N. , Kotler, S. , and Metelmann, A. . 2023. High-Purity Entanglement Of Hot Propagating Modes Using Nonreciprocity. Prx Quantum, 4, Pp. 020344. doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.020344. Publisher's Version
Shlomi Kotler, Peterson, Gabriel A. , Shojaee, Ezad , Lecocq, Florent , Cicak, Katarina , Kwiatkowski, Alex , Geller, Shawn , Glancy, Scott , Knill, Emanuel , Simmonds, Raymond W. , Aumentado, José , and Teufel, John D.. 2021. Direct Observation Of Deterministic Macroscopic Entanglement. Science, 372, 6542, Pp. 622–625. doi:10.1126/science.abf2998. Publisher's Version Abstract
Quantum entanglement occurs when two separate entities become strongly linked in a way that cannot be explained by classical physics; it is a powerful resource in quantum communication protocols and advanced technologies that aim to exploit the enhanced capabilities of quantum systems. To date, entanglement has generally been limited to microscopic quantum units such as pairs or multiples of single ions, atoms, photons, and so on. Kotler et al. and Mercier de Lépinay et al. demonstrate the ability to extend quantum entanglement to massive macroscopic systems (see the Perspective by Lau and Clerk). Entanglement of two mechanical oscillators on such a large length and mass scale is expected to find widespread use in both applications and fundamental physics to probe the boundary between the classical and quantum worlds.Science, this issue p. 622, p. 625; see also p. 570Quantum entanglement of mechanical systems emerges when distinct objects move with such a high degree of correlation that they can no longer be described separately. Although quantum mechanics presumably applies to objects of all sizes, directly observing entanglement becomes challenging as masses increase, requiring measurement and control with a vanishingly small error. Here, using pulsed electromechanics, we deterministically entangle two mechanical drumheads with masses of 70 picograms. Through nearly quantum-limited measurements of the position and momentum quadratures of both drums, we perform quantum state tomography and thereby directly observe entanglement. Such entangled macroscopic systems are poised to serve in fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, enable sensing beyond the standard quantum limit, and function as long-lived nodes of future quantum networks.
Kyle S. McKay, Hite, Dustin A. , Kent, Philip D. , Kotler, Shlomi , Leibfried, Dietrich , Slichter, Daniel H. , Wilson, Andrew C. , and Pappas, David P. . 2021. Measurement Of Electric-Field Noise From Interchangeable Samples With A Trapped-Ion Sensor.
X. Ma, Viennot, J. J. , Kotler, S. , Teufel, J. D. , and Lehnert, K. W. . 2021. Non-Classical Energy Squeezing Of A Macroscopic Mechanical Oscillator. Nature Physics, 17, 3, Pp. 322-326. doi:10.1038/s41567-020-01102-1. Publisher's Version Abstract
Optomechanics and electromechanics have made it possible to prepare macroscopic mechanical oscillators in their quantum ground states1, in quadrature-squeezed states2 and in entangled states of motion3. However, the effectively linear interaction between motion and light or electricity precludes access to the broader class of quantum states of motion, such as cat states or energy-squeezed states. Strong quadratic coupling of motion to light could allow a way around this restriction4–6. Although there have been experimental demonstrations of quadratically coupled optomechanical systems5,7,8, these have not yet accessed non-classical states of motion. Here we create non-classical states by quadratically coupling motion to the energy levels of a Cooper-pair box qubit. Through microwave-frequency drives that change the state of both the oscillator and qubit, we then dissipatively stabilize the oscillator in a state with a large mean phonon number of 43 and sub-Poissonian number fluctuations of approximately 3. In this energy-squeezed state, we observe a striking feature of the quadratic coupling: the recoil of the mechanical oscillator caused by qubit transitions, closely analogous to the vibronic transitions in molecules9,10.
F. Lecocq, Ranzani, L. , Peterson, G.A. , Cicak, K. , Metelmann, A. , Kotler, S. , Simmonds, R.W. , Teufel, J. D. , and Aumentado, J. . 2020. Microwave Measurement Beyond The Quantum Limit With A Nonreciprocal Amplifier. Phys. Rev. Applied, 13, Pp. 044005. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.044005. Publisher's Version
G.A. Peterson, Kotler, S. , Lecocq, F. , Cicak, K. , Jin, X. Y. , Simmonds, R.W. , Aumentado, J. , and Teufel, J. D. . 2019. Ultrastrong Parametric Coupling Between A Superconducting Cavity And A Mechanical Resonator. Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, Pp. 247701. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.247701. Publisher's Version
Shlomi Kotler, Simmonds, Raymond W. , Leibfried, Dietrich , and Wineland, David J. . 2017. Hybrid Quantum Systems With Trapped Charged Particles. Phys. Rev. A, 95, Pp. 022327. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.022327. Publisher's Version
D. A. Hite, McKay, K. S. , Kotler, S. , Leibfried, D. , Wineland, D. J. , and Pappas, D. P. . 2017. Measurements Of Trapped-Ion Heating Rates With Exchangeable Surfaces In Close Proximity. Mrs Advances, 2, 41, Pp. 2189-2197. doi:10.1557/adv.2017.14. Publisher's Version Abstract
Electric-field noise from the surfaces of ion-trap electrodes couples to the ion's charge causing heating of the ion's motional modes. This heating limits the fidelity of quantum gates implemented in quantum information processing experiments. The exact mechanism that gives rise to electric-field noise from surfaces is not well-understood and remains an active area of research. In this work, we detail experiments intended to measure ion motional heating rates with exchangeable surfaces positioned in close proximity to the ion, as a sensor to electric-field noise. We have prepared samples with various surface conditions, characterized in situ with scanned probe microscopy and electron spectroscopy, ranging in degrees of cleanliness and structural order. The heating-rate data, however, show no significant differences between the disparate surfaces that were probed. These results suggest that the driving mechanism for electric-field noise from surfaces is due to more than just thermal excitations alone.
Leonardo {Ranzani, Kotler, Shlomi , Sirois, Adam J. , DeFeo, Michael P. , Castellanos-Beltran, Manuel , Cicak, Katarina , Vale, Leila R. , and Aumentado, José . 2017. Wideband Isolation By Frequency Conversion In A Josephson-Junction Transmission Line. Phys. Rev. Applied, 8, Pp. 054035. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.8.054035. Publisher's Version
Shlomi Kotler, Ozeri, Roee , and Kimball, Derek F. Jackson . 2015. Constraints On Exotic Dipole-Dipole Couplings Between Electrons At The Micrometer Scale. Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, Pp. 081801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.081801. Publisher's Version
Nitzan Akerman, Navon, Nir , Kotler, Shlomi , Glickman, Yinnon , and Ozeri, Roee . 2015. Universal Gate-Set For Trapped-Ion Qubits Using A Narrow Linewidth Diode Laser. New Journal Of Physics, 17, 11, Pp. 113060. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/11/113060. Publisher's Version Abstract
We report on the implementation of a high fidelity universal gate-set on optical qubits based on trapped 88Sr+ ions for the purpose of quantum information processing. All coherent operations were performed using a narrow linewidth diode laser. We employed a master-slave configuration for the laser, where an ultra low expansion glass Fabry–Perot cavity is used as a stable reference as well as a spectral filter. We characterized the laser spectrum using the ions with a modified Ramsey sequence which eliminated the affect of the magnetic field noise. We demonstrated high fidelity single qubit gates with individual addressing, based on inhomogeneous micromotion, on a two-ion chain as well as the Mølmer–Sørensen two-qubit entangling gate.
Shlomi Kotler, Akerman, Nitzan , Navon, Nir , Glickman, Yinnon , and Ozeri, Roee . 2014. Measurement Of The Magnetic Interaction Between Two Bound Electrons Of Two Separate Ions. Nature, 510, 7505, Pp. 376-380. doi:10.1038/nature13403. Publisher's Version Abstract
The magnetic interaction between two electrons is measured at the micrometre scale, exhibiting spin entanglement generation over 15 seconds of coherent evolution; varying the inter-electron separation shows a distance dependence consistent with the inverse-cube law.
Nir Navon, Akerman, Nitzan , Kotler, Shlomi , Glickman, Yinnon , and Ozeri, Roee . 2014. Quantum Process Tomography Of A Mølmer-Sørensen Interaction. Phys. Rev. A, 90, Pp. 010103. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.90.010103. Publisher's Version
Nir Navon, Kotler, Shlomi , Akerman, Nitzan , Glickman, Yinnon , Almog, Ido , and Ozeri, Roee . 2013. Addressing Two-Level Systems Variably Coupled To An Oscillating Field. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, Pp. 073001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.073001. Publisher's Version
Yinnon Glickman, Kotler, Shlomi , Akerman, Nitzan , and Ozeri, Roee . 2013. Emergence Of A Measurement Basis In Atom-Photon Scattering. Science, 339, 6124, Pp. 1187–1191. doi:10.1126/science.1229650. Publisher's Version Abstract
In the classical world, the result of measurement is often viewed as independent of the experimental apparatus. In the quantum world, however, the act of measurement has an effect through processes such as back-action, entanglement, and decoherence. Looking at the scattering of single electrons from a single ion and the evolution of the spin state of that ion, Glickman et al. (p. 1187) probed how these processes are intertwined and characterize how the result of quantum measurement emerges from the system’s interaction with its environment.After measurement, a wave-function is postulated to collapse on a predetermined set of states—the measurement basis. Using quantum process tomography, we show how a measurement basis emerges in the evolution of the electronic spin of a single trapped atomic ion after spontaneous photon scattering and detection. This basis is determined by the excitation laser polarization and the direction along which the photon was detected. Quantum tomography of the combined spin-photon state reveals that although photon scattering entangles all superpositions of the measurement-basis states with the scattered photon polarization, the measurement-basis states themselves remain classically correlated with it. Our findings shed light on the process of quantum measurement in atom-photon interactions.
Shlomi Kotler, Akerman, Nitzan , Glickman, Yinnon , and Ozeri, Roee . 2013. Nonlinear Single-Spin Spectrum Analyzer. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, Pp. 110503. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.110503. Publisher's Version
N. Akerman, Glickman, Y. , Kotler, S. , Keselman, A. , and Ozeri, R. . 2012. Quantum Control Of 88Sr+ In A Miniature Linear Paul Trap. Applied Physics B, 107, 4, Pp. 1167-1174. doi:10.1007/s00340-011-4807-6. Publisher's Version Abstract
We report on the construction and characterization of an apparatus for quantum information experiments using 88Sr+ ions. A miniature linear radio-frequency (rf) Paul trap was designed and built. Trap frequencies above 1 MHz in all directions are obtained with 50 V on the trap end-caps and less than 1 W of rf power. We encode a quantum bit (qubit) in the two spin states of the S1/2 electronic ground-state of the ion. We constructed all the necessary laser sources for laser cooling and full coherent manipulation of the ions' external and internal states. Oscillating magnetic fields are used for coherent spin rotations. High-fidelity readout as well as a coherence time of 2.5 ms are demonstrated. Following resolved sideband cooling the average axial vibrational quanta of a single trapped ion is \$\backslashbar\n\=0.05\$and a heating rate of \$\backslashdot\\backslashbar\n\\=0.016\textasciitilde\backslashmathrm\ms\^\-1\\$is measured.
N. Akerman, Kotler, S. , Glickman, Y. , and Ozeri, R. . 2012. Reversal Of Photon-Scattering Errors In Atomic Qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, Pp. 103601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.103601. Publisher's Version
A Keselman, Glickman, Y, Akerman, N, Kotler, S, and Ozeri, R. 2011. High-Fidelity State Detection And Tomography Of A Single-Ion Zeeman Qubit. New Journal Of Physics, 13, 7, Pp. 073027. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/13/7/073027. Publisher's Version Abstract
We demonstrate high-fidelity Zeeman qubit state detection in a single trapped 88Sr+ ion. Qubit readout is performed by shelving one of the qubit states to a metastable level using a narrow linewidth diode laser at 674 nm, followed by state-selective fluorescence detection. The average fidelity reached for the readout of the qubit state is 0.9989(1). We then measure the fidelity of state tomography, averaged over all possible single-qubit states, which is 0.9979(2). We also fully characterize the detection process using quantum process tomography. This readout fidelity is compatible with recent estimates of the detection error threshold required for fault-tolerant computation, whereas high-fidelity state tomography opens the way for high-precision quantum process tomography.
Shlomi Kotler, Akerman, Nitzan , Glickman, Yinnon , Keselman, Anna , and Ozeri, Roee . 2011. Single-Ion Quantum Lock-In Amplifier. Nature, 473, 7345, Pp. 61-65. doi:10.1038/nature10010. Publisher's Version Abstract
The 'lock-in' technique is a valuable tool in experimental physics, used to increase measurement sensitivity while reducing susceptibility to noise. A team from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel, reports the implementation of a quantum analogue to the classical lock-in amplifier, using a single trapped strontium ion. The system achieves magnetic-field sensitivity two orders of magnitude greater than that seen with established single-spin probe technologies. The quantum lock-in technique is generic and can potentially enhance the sensitivity of any quantum sensor.